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Dividend Information

83c partially franked 2024 Interim Dividend

ANZ paid the 2024 Interim Dividend of 83 cents per ordinary share, partially franked at 65%, on 1 July 2024. The unfranked portion of the dividend was sourced from ANZ’s conduit foreign income account.


Important dates and information 2024

2023 Dividend Important Dates
Event 1st Half Dates 2nd Half Dates
Ex-date 13 May 2024 13 November 2024
Record Date 14 May 2024 14 November 2024
Last date for receipt of DRP/BOP/FX elections 15 May 2024
by 5pm AEST
15 November 2024
by 5pm AEDT
Foreign currency conversion date 17 May 2024 TBA
DRP/BOP pricing period 17 May 2024 to 6 June 2024 (both inclusive) TBA
Payment Date 1 July 2024 20 December 2024
Dividend per Share (AUD) 83c TBA
Foreign Exchange Rates AUD/GBP: 0.527582
AUD/NZD: 1.091790
DRP/BOP price (AUD) $28.37 TBA
Australian franking level* Partially Franked at 65%^ TBA
NZ imputation credit per share (NZD)* 12c


*Not applicable to shares participating in the Bonus Option Plan (BOP)

^ Australian Taxation - Any Australian resident holder of ANZ ordinary shares should ensure they have provided their Tax File Number (TFN), Australian Business Number (ABN) or TFN / ABN exemption to ANZ’s Share Registrar to ensure that ANZ is not required to withhold tax in respect of the unfranked component of the dividend. No non-resident withholding tax is payable on the unfranked component by shareholders resident outside Australia as the unfranked component of the dividend will be sourced from ANZ’s conduit foreign income account.



Important information

Material on this page is intended only for general information and ANZ makes no warranty as to the accuracy of this information. The material is not intended to be relied on as a substitute for your own research. We do, however, welcome your feedback and suggestions concerning any of the material. Please contact

Dividend payments

If you have not elected to participate in either the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) or Bonus Option Plan (BOP), your dividend will be paid to you by direct credit and deposited into your nominated bank account.

ANZ pays the dividends on its ordinary shares in 3 currencies - AUD, NZD and GBP ("nominated currencies"). Subject to receiving instructions from the shareholder by the foreign currency election date to pay in one of the other nominated currencies, it is ANZ's practice to pay dividends on ANZ ordinary shares in NZD to shareholders with registered addresses in New Zealand, in GBP to shareholders with registered addresses in the United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man), and in AUD to shareholders in Australia or any other countries.

Shareholders with a registered address elsewhere can elect to have their dividends paid into an Australian, New Zealand or United Kingdom bank account, failing which they will be sent an AUD cheque.  To be effective for the next dividend payment, the election must be submitted to ANZ’s Share Registrar by 5pm on the last date for receipt of FX elections (see above). 



How to update shareholder dividend information / instructions

To update your shareholder information or dividend instructions in a fast, secure and environmentally friendly way visit and submit the changes prior to the Record Date for the next Dividend or you can contact ANZ's Share Registrar Computershare:



Share Alternatives

ANZ offers both a Dividend Reinvestment Plan and a Bonus Option Plan as alternatives to receiving cash dividends on ANZ Ordinary Shares.

Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)

The DRP allows eligible shareholders to reinvest all or part of their dividends in additional ordinary shares instead of cash.  More information, including an easy to understand questions and answers booklet which sets out how the DRP operates, how to participate and eligibility, can be found here: DRP Terms and Conditions .

Bonus Option Plan (BOP)

The BOP enables eligible shareholders to increase their holding by forgoing all or part of their dividends and receiving bonus ordinary shares instead.  More information, including an easy to understand questions and answers booklet which sets out how the BOP operates, how to participate and eligibility, can be found here: BOP Terms and Conditions .

It is important to note that if a shareholder makes an election to participate in the BOP and also a separate election to participate in the DRP, the BOP election will have priority over the DRP election to the extent of any conflict.

Shareholders should obtain their own professional advice in relation to the financial and tax implications in participating in the DRP and/or BOP.


Dividend charity donations

ANZ offers a Dividend Charity Donation Program, which enables ANZ shareholders who are Australian resident taxpayers to donate some or all of the cash dividends on their ANZ ordinary shares to one of a number of charities. Employee share classes are not eligible to participate.

Frequently asked questions

When will I receive my dividend?

ANZ usually announces a dividend with the release of its half year results  and full year results. Dividends are usually paid twice a year, in July (interim dividend) and December (final dividend).


What if I have not provided my direct credit instructions?

If you do not provide your bank details by the Record Date, your registered address is in Australia, New Zealand or the United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands and Isle of Man) and you are not a participant in the DRP or BOP, your dividends will be held in a non-interest bearing account until current / valid direct credit instructions are provided. Once valid AUD, NZD or GBP direct credit instructions are provided, payment will be made to your nominated bank account.


What is the Record Date and what does it mean?

The Record Date for a dividend is the date on which you need to be a registered shareholder to be eligible to receive the current dividend. To be eligible, you need to be recorded on the share register at 5pm on the Record Date. 


What is the Ex Dividend Date and what does it mean?

The ex dividend date occurs on the business day before the Record Date of the dividend. To be entitled to the dividend, a shareholder must have purchased shares before the ex-dividend date.  People who purchase shares on the share market on or after the ex dividend date are not entitled to the dividend. Conversely, if you sell shares on the share market on or after the ex-dividend date, you are still entitled to receive the dividend.


How is the DRP/BOP price determined?

The acquisition price is the arithmetic average of the daily volume weighted average sale price of all fully paid ANZ ordinary shares sold on ASX and Cboe Australia during the DRP/BOP pricing period and then rounded to the nearest whole cent. If the fraction is on half of a cent, the amount will be rounded down to the nearest whole cent.


Dividend History

Alternative Securities

ANZ Shares

Pay date Record date Dividend (AUD) Australian Franking level NZ Imputation
Credits per
Ordinary Share
DRP price
ASX announcement
01/07/2024 14/05/2024 83c 65% franked @ 30% NZ 12 cents $28.37 07/06/2024 
22/12/2023 17/11/2023 94c 56% franked @ 30% NZ 11 cents $24.34 06/12/2023 
03/07/2023 16/05/2023 81c Fully franked @ 30% NZ 9 cents $23.55 02/06/2023 
15/12/2022 08/11/2022 74c Fully franked @ 30% NZ 9 cents $24.51 25/11/2022 
01/07/2022 10/05/2022 72c Fully franked @ 30% NZ 9 cents $25.52 27/05/2022 
16/12/2021 09/11/2021 72c Fully franked @ 30% NZ 8 cents $27.68 26/11/2021 
01/07/2021 11/05/2021 70¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 8 cents $27.91 28/05/2021 
16/12/2020 10/11/2020 35¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 4 cents $22.19 27/11/2020 
30/09/2020 25/08/2020 25¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 3 cents $18.06 11/09/2020 
18/12/2019 12/11/2019 80¢ 70% franked @ 30% NZ 9 cents $25.03 29/11/2019 
01/07/2019 14/05/2019 80¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 9 cents $27.79 01/05/2019 
18/12/2018 13/11/2018 80¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 10 cents $26.03 30/11/2018 
02/07/2018 15/05/2018 80¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 9 cents $27.76 01/06/2018 
18/12/2017 14/11/2017 80¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 10 cents $29.02 01/12/2017 
03/07/2017 09/05/2017 80¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 9 cents $28.80 26/05/2017 
16/12/2016 15/11/2016 80¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 9 cents $28.16 02/12/2016 
01/07/2016 10/05/2016 80¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 10 cents $24.82 27/05/2016 
16/12/2015 10/11/2015 95¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 11 cents $27.08 27/11/2015 
01/07/2015 12/05/2015 86¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 10 cents $31.93 29/05/2015 
16/12/2014 11/11/2014 95¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 12 cents $32.02 28/11/2014 
01/07/2014 13/05/2014 83¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 10 cents $33.30 30/05/2014 
16/12/2013 13/11/2013 91¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 10 cents $31.83 29/10/2013 
01/07/2013 15/05/2013 73¢ Fully franked @ 30% NZ 9 cents $28.96 30/05/2013 
19/12/2012 14/11/2012 79¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $23.64 27/11/2012 
02/07/2012 16/05/2012 66¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $20.44 29/05/2012 
16/12/2011 16/11/2011 76¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $19.09 29/11/2011 
01/07/2011 18/05/2011 64¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $21.69 31/05/2011 
17/12/2010 10/11/2010 74¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $22.60 23/11/2010 
01/07/2010 12/05/2010 52¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $21.32 25/05/2010 
18/12/2009 11/11/2009 56¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $21.75 25/11/2009 
01/07/2009 13/05/2009 46¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $15.16 26/05/2009 
18/12/2008 12/11/2008 74¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $13.58  
01/07/2008 14/05/2008 62¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $20.82  
21/12/2007 14/11/2007 74¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $27.33  
02/07/2007 18/05/2007 62¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $29.29  
15/12/2006 15/11/2006 69¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $28.25  
03/07/2006 19/05/2006 56¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $26.50  
16/12/2005 14/11/2005 59¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $23.85  
01/07/2005 20/05/2005 51¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $21.85  
17/12/2004 12/11/2004 54¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $19.95  
01/07/2004 20/05/2004 47¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $17.84  
19/12/2003 13/11/2003 51¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $16.61  
01/07/2003 22/05/2003 47¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $18.48  
13/12/2002 07/11/2002 46¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $18.32  
01/07/2002 23/05/2002 39¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $19.24  
14/12/2001 08/11/2001 40¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $18.33  
02/07/2001 17/05/2001 33¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $15.05  
15/12/2000 09/11/2000 35¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $14.45  
03/07/2000 26/05/2000 29¢ Fully franked @ 30% N/A $11.62  
20/12/1999 19/11/1999 30¢ 80% @ 36% N/A $11.50  
05/07/1999 11/06/1999 26¢ 75% @ 36% N/A $10.95  
21/12/1998 20/11/1998 28¢ 60% @ 36% N/A $10.78  
06/07/1998 12/06/1998 24¢ 60% @ 36% N/A $10.64  
21/01/1998 12/12/1997 26¢ Fully franked @ 36% N/A $9.92  
07/07/1997 13/06/1997 22¢ Fully franked @ 36% N/A $9.77  
15/01/1997 12/12/1996 24¢ Fully franked @ 36% N/A $7.60  
08/07/1996 07/06/1996 18¢ 50% @ 36% N/A $5.59  
17/01/1996 15/12/1995 18¢ 33% @ 36% N/A $6.27  
10/07/1995 09/06/1995 15¢ 0% N/A $4.40  
20/01/1995 09/12/1994 14¢ 0% N/A $3.73  
11/07/1994 10/06/1994 11¢ 0% N/A $3.78  
21/01/1994 17/12/1993 10¢ 0% N/A $4.44  
12/07/1993 11/06/1993 10¢ 0% N/A $3.42  
11/12/1992 15/01/1993 10¢ 0% N/A $2.51  
22/06/1992 20/07/1992 10¢ 100% N/A $3.58  
2/01/1992 29/01/1992 10¢ 100% N/A $4.46  
21/06/1991 19/07/1991 10¢ 100% N/A $3.42  
4/01/1991 30/01/1991 16¢ 100% N/A $2.72  
15/06/1990[8] 13/07/1990 22¢ 100% N/A $4.35  
12/01/1990 5/02/1990 22¢ 100% N/A $5.43  
31/03/1989[7] 21/04/1989 26¢ 100% N/A $4.34  
16/06/1989 14/07/1989 22¢ 100% N/A $4.30  
13/01/1989 10/02/1989 22¢ 100% N/A $4.85  
3/06/1988 1/07/1988 12.5¢ 100% N/A $4.57  
7/01/1988[9],[10] 28/01/1988 11¢ 100% N/A $3.28  
2/06/1987[6] 29/06/1987 15¢ 100% N/A $3.91  
7/01/1987 29/01/1987 16¢ N/A N/A $5.61  
6/06/1986 1/07/1986 15¢ N/A N/A $5.03  
13/12/1985 30/01/1986 16¢ N/A N/A $4.11  
7/06/1985 1/07/1985 15¢ N/A N/A $4.25[5]  
29/01/1985 25/02/1985 14¢ N/A N/A N/A  
8/06/1984 2/07/1984 14¢ N/A N/A N/A  
23/01/1984 20/02/1984 15¢ N/A N/A N/A  
9/06/1983 1/07/1983 14¢ N/A N/A N/A  
5/01/1983 27/01/1983 14¢ N/A N/A N/A  
9/06/1982 1/07/1982 14¢ N/A N/A N/A  
25/01/1982 22/02/1982 14¢ N/A N/A N/A  
9/06/1981 1/07/1981 14¢ N/A N/A N/A  
27/01/1982 23/02/1981 12¢ N/A N/A N/A  
9/06/1980 4/07/1980 12¢ N/A N/A N/A  
9/01/1980 31/01/1980 12¢ N/A N/A N/A  
6/07/1979 8/08/1979 10¢ N/A N/A N/A  
3/01/1979 25/01/1979 11¢ N/A N/A N/A  


Capital Gains Tax was introduced 20 September 1985.


Description Earnings per share[2]- basic  Dividend payout ratio[3] Net tangible assets per ordinary share[4]
2022 250.0c 59.3% $20.75
2021 215.3c 65.3% $21.09
2020 126.4c 47.6% $20.04
2019 210.0c 76.2% $19.59
2018 221.6c 72.1% $18.47
2017 220.1c 73.4% $17.66
2016 197.4c 81.9% $17.13
2015 271.5c 68.6% $16.86
2014 267.1c 67.4% $14.65
2013 232.7c 71.4% $13.48
2012 213.4c 69.4% $12.22
2011 208.2c 68.6% $11.44
2010 178.9c 71.6% $10.38
2009 131.0c 82.3% $11.02
2008 170.4c 82.7% $10.72
2007 224.1c 60.9% $9.36
2006 200.0c 62.6% $8.53
2005 169.5c 65.0% $7.77
2004 153.1c 67.5% $7.51
2003 142.4c 64.2% $7.49
2002 141.4c 57.8% $6.58
2001 112.7c 62.0% $5.96
2000 102.5c 59.1% $5.49
1999 86.9c 62.1% $5.21
1998 69.7c 67.8% $4.98
1997 65.8c 61.6% $4.59
1996 73.2c 55.5% $4.24
1995 67.1c 49.1% $3.94
1994 55.9c 46.4% $3.58
1993 13.5c 65.6% $3.43


Material on this page is intended only for general information and ANZ makes no warranty as to the accuracy of this information. The material is not intended to be relied on as a substitute for your own research. We do, however, welcome your feedback and suggestions concerning any of the material. Please contact .

1. Where the table above refers to NZ imputation credits being attached to a dividend, it is important to note the NZ imputation credits are attached to the cash dividend payments and to the Dividend Amounts relating to all ordinary shares participating in that dividend (but are not attached in connection with ordinary shares participating in the Bonus Option Plan.)

2. Periods prior to 2004 adjusted for the bonus elements of the November 2003 Rights Issue. 

3. From 2003, the dividend payout ratio includes the final dividend proposed but not provided for in accordance with changes to accounting standards effective from the September 2003 financial year. 

4. Equals shareholders' equity less preference share capital, goodwill, software and other intangible assets divided by the number of ordinary shares. For periods prior to 2005, this equals shareholders' equity less preference share capital and unamortise.

5. DRP introduced for 1985 interim dividend.

6. A one for two bonus issue was made prior to the dividend. Bonus shares could not participate in the dividend.

7. Bonus Option Plan introduced with discount (and subsequent changes) the same as DRP.

8. United Kingdom Dividend Selection Plan introduced. Suspended following July 1999 Interim Dividend.

9. Dividend imputation was introduced 1 July 1987.

10. The final 1987 dividend paid 28 January 1988 was fully franked.
