Customer Stories


Customer Story Adapting

Opportunities arise in challenging times

Mount Zero Olives is a small, family-owned and operated business in the Grampians in regional Victoria, producing and processing certified organic olives, olive oil and table fruit.

They also partner with local growers to produce a range of pulses and grains. Supplying predominantly to restaurants throughout Australia, the business has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.

General Manager, Richard Seymour recalls the moment he first realised they were in for tough times.

“I have a really vivid memory of when the pin was pulled on the Melbourne Grand Prix in March and I knew we were in for a world of change.”

An ANZ customer for almost two decades, Richard found himself drawing on his strong relationship with the bank, developing a roadmap to guide the business through the pandemic.

“With the help of ANZ and our business advisor, we put together a vision which saw us quickly pivot to engaging directly with customers through an online platform. In a matter of months, we’ve been able to grow what was around 5% of direct sales to customers, to around 35%.

Mount Zero’s customers have always valued its sense of brand, the foundation of which, according to Richard, is its proud heritage as a family business that values sustainability and supports ‘local’.

“This has really resonated with our customers during the pandemic, as they’ve been able to reach out to a business directly that was already quite tangible to them, and not just a paper wrapper on a product on a supermarket shelf. They know who we are, where we are from and what we stand for, and they’ve supported us for these reasons.”

“As horrible as the outlook is for many small businesses due to the pandemic, it has presented an opportunity to drive change and come out stronger on the other side, and for that, we’re really grateful,” says Richard.


Building financial wellbeing in the Pacific

Banking through times of change

2020 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

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